Forbidden And Mysterious Places Around The World You’ll Never See

Ashley - May 16, 2023

It’s human nature to be curious, especially when we know something is off-limits. For some, knowing they aren’t allowed to visit a particular area makes them even more intrigued to learn about it, which is why we’ve created this list! There are forbidden and mysterious places in this world that humans will never be allowed to see with their own eyes. If that doesn’t pique your curiosity enough, then what if we tell you that some of these places are actually inhabited by uncontacted tribes? Our world is massive and full of amazing places people spend their whole lives wanting to travel to but never being able to see in person. Reading about those areas is the next back thing! So, kick back and relax as we explore these areas around the world you’ll never see in person.

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Vatican Apostolic Archive, Rome

The Vatican Apostolic Archive, formerly known as Vatican Secret Archive, is home to thousands of ancient texts and documents related to the Catholic Church. These documents, some of which date as far back as the 8th century, are located underground. The archive has 53 miles of shelves, and they are only accessible to researchers with special permits. Still, even those researchers deal with multiple restrictions on which documents they can actually view. Among many others, there is said to be a letter from Mary Queen of Scots written just before her execution, the ex-communication document for Martin Luther, a letter from Michelangelo to Pope Julius II, and papal account books.

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Most people in the United States would consider monkeys exotic animals that are only seen in zoos or other countries. These adorable mammals aren’t native to this area, but about 4,000 rhesus monkeys live on Morgan Island, South Carolina. So, how did they get there? Well, these monkeys were moved to Morgan Island after an outbreak of the herpes virus B infection in Puerto Rico many years ago. Since the relocation, people could no longer visit the island for their own safety and to protect the monkeys. These monkeys aren’t the friendly type, so only a handful of very experienced researchers may step foot on Morgan Island.

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North Brother Island, New York

Welcome to the site of some tragic pieces of New York’s history. North Brother Island is a 13-acre piece of land located in New York City’s East River. Situated between the Bronx and Riker’s Island, this piece of land was once a refuge for over a thousand people whose passenger ship sank in the river. But that isn’t the most tragic part of North Brother Island’s past. It also became a hospital site for people infected with contagious diseases, including Typhoid Mary. She was the first person believed to have contracted Typhoid fever in the US, and it’s estimated she infected up to 50 people. The island has been abandoned for decades, and it’s planned to remain that way. Visitors are not allowed access to this island.

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Just by looking at this picture, it’s easy to see that this isn’t a location people will stumble upon. There’s a very good reason this vault exists so far away from human interference. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, also known as “The Doomsday Vault,” is home to over 100 million seeds from plant species all around the world. You’ve probably seen enough post-apocalyptic movies to know what would happen if a natural disaster or other earth-altering event wiped out our food sources. This vault exists to house seeds from species all over the world, so in the event of one of these earth-shattering events, we would have the ability to restore the natural vegetation throughout the world. One of the most interesting things to note about this vault is that it exists completely outside of politics. Even North Korea has contributed seeds!

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Bhangarh Fort, India

Do you love visiting haunted attractions around the world? This fort in Rajasthan, India, is said to be the most haunted location in India, and it’s forbidden for people to visit during the evening. Visitors are allowed during daylight hours, but no one is allowed near this fort from sunset to sunrise. This 16th-century fort is shrouded in mysterious legends and ghost stories that the locals take very seriously. Supposedly, there have been people who attempted to break the rule and entered the fort during twilight hours, but they have never been seen or heard from again. If you want to visit Bhangarh Fort, you must do so accompanied by a tour guide during the daytime, or else face the wrath of the spirits who reside within this structure.

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North Sentinel Island is a small piece of land sitting off the coast of India in the Bay of Bengel. From the outside, this island looks like the perfect exotic getaway with its sandy white beaches and clear turquoise water, but visitors are not allowed access to this island. This island is home to the Sentinelese, a group of indigenous people who reject any form of contact with the outside world. The Indian Coast Guard flew over the island after a tsunami in 2004 to assess the damage, and they reported men emerging from the trees armed with bows. The men shot arrows at the helicopters, proving once again that they did not appreciate attempted contact from the outside world.

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Heard And McDonald Islands, Australia

Heard and McDonald Islands are considered territories of Australia, although they’re situated between Madagascar and Antarctica. These islands are filled with adorable creatures like penguins, seals, and marine birds, and it’s also home to more than 40 glaciers. The island wasn’t always closed to the public, but several factors contributed to classifying it as a no-go zone. Back in 2000, researchers watching the island’s massive volcano called Mawson’s Peak noticed a huge increase in lava flow. Heard Island is also known for extremely poor weather conditions, and the islands are located a minimum two-week sail from the closest major landmass. Access to the island is now restricted to researchers to protect the safety of the public and the animals who call these islands home.

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The Lascaux Caves in France is a UNESCO Heritage site filled with insights into early human experiences. Over 600 examples of prehistoric art from 20,000 years ago fill the walls of these caves, giving a fascinating insight into what life was like for our species tens of thousands of years ago. France banned the public from entering these caves back in 1963 due to fungal invasions that risked the preservation of the sites. However, curious visitors can still enjoy a glimpse into what the caves have to offer in the museum and replica built right next door.

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Ilha Da Queimada Grande, Brazil

You might recognize Ilha Da Queimada Grande by its more commonly known name- Snake Island. This beautiful island contains a massive population of snakes, with some estimates saying that there’s one snake in each square meter of the island. That might sound cool if you’re a snake lover, but the species on Snake Island are some of the most dangerous in the world! Among many others, this island is home to the golden lancehead viper, whose venom is powerful enough to melt human flesh! The Brazilian government has restricted access to the island, only allowing researchers with the proper credentials access and only if they have a doctor on their team.

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Pluto’s “Gate to Hell” in Turkey is a legendary site. This gate dates back to ancient times and is shrouded in mystery. Legend states that no living creature can survive entering the gates, and historians tested that theory decades ago by throwing sparrows into the entrance. The birds died immediately, giving credence to the legend and reinforcing to locals that this is a dangerous site. Later, in 1965, scientists confirmed no living being could possibly survive the conditions in Pluto’s Gate. The CO2 levels are extraordinarily high, and nighttime temperatures plummet below freezing. It is truly a place no person should ever visit.

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Mezhgorye, Russia

As one of the largest countries in the world, it should come as no surprise that they have some off-limits places. Along with ghost towns, inhabitable areas, and places filled with mysterious legends, Russia also has Mezhgorye. Located in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Mezhgorye is a closed town hidden in the Southern Ural Mountains. The town is encircled by two battalions that are sworn to fight off anyone approaching this hidden area. Government officials won’t comment on why this town is kept so secluded, but there is a theory that makes plenty of sense. Some believe automatic missiles that can be controlled remotely are located in this town. Regardless of what’s hidden in there, it’s clear that no one should risk approaching Mezhgorye.

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While it’s true that millions of people go to Mexico every year to visit the Chichen Itza Pyramid, there are serious restrictions on what they’re allowed to do while they’re there. Visitors used to be able to climb to the top of the pyramid on their trip, but this changed after a tragic accident in 2006. The steps on this ancient Mayan structure have eroded significantly over time, which added to the need to close it down to the public. You can still admire this amazing structure from the ground, but you are no longer allowed to get close enough to touch it, and you certainly can’t climb to the top anymore.

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Grand Shrine Of Ise, Japan

The Grand Shrine of Ise is located in Ise, Mie Prefecture of Japan, and it is a very important structure of the Shinto religion. The shrine was built in honor of Amaterasu, a goddess of the universe and the sun. According to the Shinto idea of death and rebirth, this shrine is rebuilt every 20 years, with the last rebuilding having taken place in 2013. While rebuilding the shrine, the workers used wood joining techniques and never utilized a single nail. Only priests and members of Japan’s imperial family can visit this sacred location. Others who want to witness this stunning place may view it behind a wooden fence from afar.

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Most people have heard of Fort Knox, but very few realize that it is a heavily guarded place that only a select few are allowed to enter. Fort Knox is heavily guarded with the most up-to-date security measures the government can provide. So, why is this historical fort so unapproachable? It’s currently home to a massive amount of the United State’s gold reserves! The building itself is made of granite and reinforced steel, but if that isn’t enough to make you think twice, just know that you would need knowledge of several combinations to make it through the fort. Staff members only know a single combination, so accessing the vaults is a group effort. No one takes security more seriously than the staff at Fort Knox!

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Surtsey, Iceland

Did you know that volcanic eruptions can last for years? One volcanic eruption lasted from 1963 to 1967 and resulted in the creation of a brand-new island! Very few people have ever set foot on this island, and it’s generally been researchers and scientists. They want to study the development of this island’s ecosystem without human interference, which does sound fascinating. Still, it means there won’t be any visitors allowed to this infant island any time soon! The scientists aren’t allowed to bring anything that could disrupt the ecosystem’s development, but one accidentally brought tomato seeds in his colon. When a tomato plant sprouted up from the spot where that scientist did his business, they immediately removed it to continue their observations.

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The Tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang was located in 1974 when the Terracotta Army was discovered, but it has never been excavated. While this is one of the most historically significant finds of all time, it’s also a place scientists are nervous about exploring. They fear modern technology could destroy the tomb, which is why the Chinese government has forbidden anyone from entering the mausoleum. It’s known that the mausoleum is filled with a complex network of caverns filled with objects the Emperor believed he might have wanted in the afterlife, but no one knows the specifics. Many also believe the mausoleum is filled with booby traps to ward off thieves.

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Niihau Island, Hawaii

Niihau Island, also known as Forbidden Island, was purchased by Elizabeth Sinclair in 1864. She was a Scottish farmer and plantation owner who wanted the island’s resources. Her descendants have privately owned the island since her passing, and it was officially closed to the public in 1952. During this year, the Hawaiian islands experienced a horrific polio epidemic, necessitating a ban to leave or enter the island. This ban was implemented to avoid spreading the disease, and it seemed to work for those who lived on the island. No one in Niihau became sick with polio, and it’s now home to a tiny population of about 170 people. Entering the island requires special permission, which has proven very difficult for anyone to receive.

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Those who love learning about morbid history or ghost stories will instantly recognize this name. Poveglia Island, located between Venice and Lido, was a place of horror in the 1700s. The island was used to house patients of the Bubonic plague and keep them quarantined from the rest of the population. Very few people survived this plague, so the people sent to Poveglia Island essentially received a death sentence. As if that history weren’t eerie enough, the island was used as an asylum in the 20th century, where it’s said doctors performed horrific and inhumane experiments on their patients. Poveglia is considered the most haunted place in Italy, and no one can enter the island without special permission. A team of ghost hunters from the Discovery show “Ghost Adventures” explored the island in the early 2000s, and the things they experienced were utterly chilling!

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Area 51, Nevada

No one should be surprised to see Area 51 on this list! It’s the most well-known forbidden space in America, but that certainly hasn’t stopped people from trying to sneak or force their way in over the years. Many believe this secretive site is home to evidence of aliens, including live specimens and spacecraft. Others think it’s a super secret sight where the latest in military flight technology is built and tested. Officially, Area 51 is said to be an Air Force and CIA testing site. This site was supposedly chosen for its super remote location, but many still question whether they’re hiding anything else behind those fences. Perhaps we’ll know one day!

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Pravcicka Brana was actually the most well-known attraction in the Czech Republic for decades; however, that changed in 1982 when tourists were banned from visiting the area. It’s a beautiful site that many enjoyed witnessing in person, but it’s been completely off-limits to visitors for decades. The gorgeous arch attracted people from all over the world, which was great for the economy but heavily contributed to erosion in the area. In order to preserve the Pravcicka Brana in all its glory for as long as possible, the government closed the archway to tourists. It will still collapse eventually as a result of natural erosion, but the process is no longer being sped up by human interference.

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Located in Monte-Rio, California, is a restricted 2,700-acre campground known as Bohemian Grove. This area is home to a very secret gentleman’s club, the Bohemian Club. It’s incredibly exclusive, and the club meets at Bohemian Grove for two weeks every July for a retreat for the members. The Bohemian Club has very high-status members, including presidents, musicians, business leaders, artists, and government officials. No one knows what takes place here because it’s incredibly secretive, but it is known that the only rule of this club is you can’t talk business while attending the retreat. It sounds a little sketchy to be honest, and we’re not sure this is the type of club most people would want to join.

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Most people would have no interest in visiting the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, but it definitely deserves a place on this list. The DMZ is completely off-limits to those wishing to visit since this strip of land acts as a type of buffer zone where leaders from North and South Korea come together to discuss important issues. Visitors to South Korea can technically see the border, but getting close to it or inside is impossible. The DMZ is a no-mans-land surrounded by barbed wire and armed military guards. It also has one of the heaviest-mined borders in the world. If you were hoping to catch more than a glimpse of this interesting political and military spot, you’re out of luck!

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Most people have heard of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, and you may be confused to see it on this list, but there’s a very good reason it has a spot here! Mecca is the heart of Islam and the holiest of places for followers of the Islam religion. While many people would love a chance to see this ancient city, it is only accessible to those who follow Islam. Many believe this area is only for prayer and that historians and tourists have no place here. Regardless of what you believe, attempting to enter Mecca when you aren’t a follower of the faith will get you a hefty fine or worse! Avoid getting yourself in trouble and steer clear of religious sites unless they explicitly allow tourism.

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Remember the Bohemian Club we spoke about earlier? Well, here’s another example of a super secret and super selective gentleman’s club! White’s Gentleman’s Club was originally a chocolate shop, but it quickly turned into a place where men would go to gamble. The club has evolved over time and is now considered to be the most private and exclusive club in the world! Members of this club must have attended Eton, followed by Cambridge or Oxford, but meeting those requirements is no guarantee you’ll gain entrance. Plus, if you do become a member of this club, you’ll have to deal with their yearly dues of a stunning $112,00!

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Did you know that less than 10% of the ocean has been explored? One of the areas we have been unable to explore is the Mariana Tench, located off the coast of the Phillippines and Japan. This is considered the deepest known trench in the ocean, stretching over seven miles at its deepest point. The pressure becomes more extreme the deeper you go, and carbon dioxide bubbles are frequently seen bubbling up to the surface. While many scientists want to explore this area to discover unknown species and other secrets hiding along the ocean floor, the pressure and conditions make exploration impossible at this point. Hopefully, we’ll develop advanced technology in the future that will allow us to uncover the ocean’s deepest mysteries.

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There’s a very logical reason why no one is allowed near the Woomera Test Range in Australia. This site is used to test bombs and missiles, which obviously comes with many dangers. It’s not the typical vacation spot for most people, but that doesn’t mean some haven’t tried to sneak their way in! You’d be in very big trouble if you ever made the mistake of attempting to sneak into this test range, so we suggest you steer clear of this entire area. Before you scroll on, do you want to know an interesting fact about the Woomera Test Range? This test site is large that the entire country of Portugal could fit inside it! That seems excessive, but it’s best to have a large off-limits area when you’re testing out serious weaponry like bombs and missiles.

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Diego Garcia used to belong to the United Kingdom, but ownership was eventually transferred to the United States in order to settle a $14 million debt. Once the US got hold of the remote island, they turned it into a military base. From the outside, Diego Garcia looks like a tropical paradise, but it’s actually full of secrets and only accessible by high-level members of the military. Some people believe this island was used as a secret military island, but there’s no proof of this. It is known that this island is home to around 4,000 military personnel and is used as a spot for aircraft for flights into Afghanistan and Iraq.

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Here is yet another forbidden place located in the United States. The Mormon Church Secret Vault is nestled into the side of the Granite Mountains in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah. This military-esque vault was built to hold the Church’s most important and secret records back in 1965, but many have questioned why they needed such high security to protect their secrets. Recent reports indicate the vault is home to 3.6 billion images, digital media, and microfilms. As with many places on this list, no one is allowed to enter without special permission. Even if you did get inside, how would you know where to start when faced with such a massive amount of information? We’ll let the church keep this vault to themselves!

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Pine Gap, a top-secret US-run government military base, is hidden in the Australian Outback amongst venomous snakes, dangerous spiders, and other deadly creepy-crawlies. What is a US military base doing in the middle of Australia, you ask? Well, it was placed there during the height of the Cold War and is supposedly used to control satellites. These satellites collect information about airstrikes all around the world. However, what goes on in Pine Gap is top secret, and many people thought it was used as a base for space exploration. Only people with special clearance and military ranking can get inside, so they’re the only ones who really know what’s going on.

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Everyone recognizes the name Chernobyl, even if they don’t understand the severity of what took place there. Chernobyl has become a household name and a powerful example of the catastrophic dangers of nuclear power plants. In 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster caused massive radioactive clouds to be released into the air and immediately led to evacuations for the local population. The damage was impossible to control and irradiated an 18-mile radius around the initial disaster site. Even thirty-seven years later, Chernobyl is an unapproachable ghost town due to extremely high levels of radiation. You don’t want to go anywhere near this site for a very long time.

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Unless you’re a prepper or a fan of the CW series “The 100,” then you’ve probably never heard of Mount Weather. This emergency operations center in Virginia is the place to be when an apocalyptic event goes down, but it’s not open to just anyone. This bunker, built during the Cold War, was established to protect high-level government officials in the event of some world-ending scenario. As of today, the bunker is kept running by FEMA employees and is completely inaccessible to the public. It’s almost a guarantee that most members of the public wouldn’t have access to bunkers like this in the event of a major disaster.

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Russia is a country known for its secrets, but this is probably one of the most secretive areas in the country. Officially, no one talks about Moscow Metro-2. Unofficially, intelligence reports indicated this underground system of secret tunnels was built 600 feet underground by the KGB in case of a nuclear war or natural disaster. Moscow Metro-2 was built at the beginning of Stalin’s reign, so very few people actually know what it looks like. What is known is that it connects important government buildings, the airport, and the secret service building. It sounds pretty sketchy, and just like Mount Weather, it’s completely off-limits to the public.

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Many people believe the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Ethiopia is home to the final resting place of the ten commandments of the Ark of the Covenant, but there’s no way to know this for sure. Only one person is allowed to view the Ark, so its secrets are kept under lock and key. It may sound like something out of a movie, but the only person allowed to view the Ark is a guardian monk who their predecessor must appoint. The church dates all the way back to the 4th century! Who knows what secrets are hidden inside and amongst the grounds?

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An emerging Civil War between the Greek and Turkish residents in Cyprus forced the UN to take control and create a “Buffer Zone.” This buffer zone was designed to separate the two communities and prevent further instances of violence from taking place. Once both sides agreed to a cease-fire, this area became an eerie abandoned strip of land that no one is allowed to access. As the last divided capital in Europe, this buffer zone holds serious historical significance, but it will most likely remain abandoned for a very long time.

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Dating back to the first century, The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Israel, is considered a holy site for a few different religions. The golden-topped shrine is a key feature in the Jerusalem skyline, but this building located within Temple Mount is under strict rules and regulations. Those who don’t follow the Muslim faith are forbidden from entering the building, but they are allowed to view it from the outside during Non-Muslim viewing hours.
