If you’re like most of us, then you’ve gotten so used to the ease and convenience of using Google Street View. It’s so helpful to have access to a database of information and pictures capable of leading you anywhere and showing you nearly anything, but there’s a sketchy side to all this as well. You might not think about the fact that these cameras are rolling when no one expects it, so they’ve captured some wild and captivating images around the world. From mysterious holes in the ground to secret government bases to unidentified creatures, these cameras have witnessed it all, and now we get to share in their discoveries! Let’s just out some real and unbelievable moments captured by these cameras. You need to see these images to believe they aren’t a trick of the light or photoshop.
The Mummy Man
It’s hard to imagine what led to the events in this picture. We can clearly see one man standing on a ladder wrapped up in toilet paper like a bad mummy Halloween costume while a second man stands on a ladder next to him and pours water over his head. Did the toilet paper solidify, and the water is a desperate attempt to soften the material and free the mummy man? Is this some strange Tik Tok challenge? We’ll never know, and the curiosity will remain burned into our brains forever.
The Car In The Lake
Here we have a prime example of the human desire to snoop being used for the greater good. A man was looking around his local area using Google Street View and came across this horrifying discovery. He spotted a car submerged in a lake and immediately contacted the authorities. A deceased man was found inside the car, and authorities determined it was the body of a man who’d disappeared over 20 years ago! Investigators had given up hope of ever solving his case.
Life Imitating Art
A local artist is hard at work capturing the beautiful scenery of the park in front of him when a Google Street View camera comes along and commits the moment to eternity. While the cameras capture him capturing the beauty of the park, it also experiences an odd glitch. The other pedestrians in the photo appear to have lost their legs in this image, but we know it’s just the camera having issues. Later on, some images will prove you can’t always tell when something’s a glitch or simply unexplainable.
The Car Isn’t Always A Car
Most people assume Google uses cars to capture images of streets all around the world, but that isn’t always the case. Google has used camels in some desert areas, and here they are using a carriage and horses! This photo is from a small village in Romania where cars are apparently not the norm. Perhaps the village doesn’t allow cars, or the roads are simply not built to handle cars. Either way, this picture is kind of hilarious when you look at it. Something as old-fashioned as a carriage and horses just doesn’t mesh with advanced technology like Google Street View cameras!
Uxbridge’s Modern-Day Fairy Tale
You don’t often see cartridges getting pulled by horses in today’s world, which is why this image is so hilarious! This photo captured an average day in Uxbridge, England, except for one thing. Someone was living their fairy tale dream this day and taking a ride through the streets in a horse-drawn carriage. It’s pretty cool to see, except maybe if you’re in the line of traffic stuck behind them! Those horses must be well-trained to not panic on such a busy road.
Do Rabbits Fly?
We’ve all heard the saying, “When pigs fly…,” but what about when rabbits fly? Obviously, rabbits don’t fly (unless it’s a secret power they’ve been hiding from humanity all these years), yet here is an image that’s hard to explain at first glance. This photo was captured in Poland, and people have been debating what exactly is seen. Some say we’re merely seeing a rabbit at the max height of their jump and the camera makes it appear as though he’s higher in the air than he actually is. Rabbits can jump about four feet in the air when they’re sufficiently determined, so it’s not a bad theory!
Embarrassing Moment Caught Forever
No one wants to get caught running off the road, especially in such a gorgeous area! Maybe this person was distracted by the scenery here in Scotland, or perhaps he tried to cut that corner too tightly, but either way, he ended up in a ditch. Google Street View caught the moment where the driver and a couple of helpers stood and stared at the car in dismay. You know it would take a ton of effort to pull that car out of a ditch that steep!
Is It A Secret Science Lab?
You never know what you’ll come across when you click around on Google Maps. Some days, you might see some beautiful places around the world that you didn’t know existed, but other days, you might come across something sketchy. This person discovered a “secret science lab” in the middle of nowhere and quickly shared his findings on Reddit. It raises a ton of questions, though. If this really was a secret science lab, wouldn’t they have named it something less suspicious? Like “perfectly normal and legal science lab?” This is yet another mystery on our minds thanks to Google maps!
What Is Happening In Australia?
Give yourself a minute to take in the full craziness of this photo. Captured on a road in Cottesloe, Western Australia is a man riding a very strange-looking bicycle with a curious creature rolling along behind him. This is actually a Penny-Farthing bicycle, which isn’t too weird, but the creature in the back is a literal penguin! Where are you taking this penguin? Does he just enjoy bike rides? Be prepared for the unexpected when you visit Australia!
When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go
Google Street View drivers get to go to a lot of remote and fascinating locations, but their job isn’t always glamorous. They have to spend the majority of their days just driving around, which can get pretty monotonous. And what happens when they’re in the middle of nowhere and need to do their business? Well, when you gotta go, you gotta go! This man pulled over to attend to the call of nature, but he forgot to turn the cameras off first. Now his bathroom break has been captured for all to see.
Finland’s Hidden Army?
Finland is known for being a pretty chill country, pun intended! So, when you come across an image like this, it instantly gives you goosebumps. It almost looks as though there’s a secret army gathering in this remote field, but the truth is much less terrifying. This photo is actually showing a field of scarecrows, not human warriors. It still looks a little creepy, but at least there’s a good explanation!
A QR Code Made Of Trees
Many areas in the world rely on continued tourism to fuel their economy, and several places have found really creative ways to attract new visitors. The Xinhua village in China blew everyone’s attempts at originality out of the water with this intricate masterpiece! They created a QR code in the trees. It’s visible from the sky and people can scan this image with their phones to see what this village has to offer. Have you scanned it yet? The temptation is irresistible!
Cosplay While Golfing
Tons of people love to attend comic cons and participate in cosplay, but they usually restrict dressing up like characters from their favorite media for specific events. These two people in Oscarsborg, Norway, decided not to let societal norms keep them from having a little unorthodox fun. They dressed up as people from the Squid Games to play a round of golf, and the effect is pretty startling. We hope they’re just playing a casual round of golf and aren’t trying to recreate anything else from the Squid Games!
The Unknown Phallic Island
What you’re looking at here is the result of someone with too much time on their hands. A person on Reddit was clicking around on Google Maps and discovered this strangely-shaped island in the middle of nowhere! As if its phallic appearance weren’t interesting enough, it turns out that no one has any information on this island. Does anyone live there? Is its shape really a result of nature? This picture leaves us with so many unanswered questions!
The Famous Tardis Is In London
Dr. Who fans, this one is for you! Have you ever wanted to see the Tardis in person? How about taking a look inside? That’s entirely possible when you visit Earl’s Court in London. The famous police box is sitting on the side of the road and the inside view on Google Maps is a complete recreation of the Tardis from the show! This is a pretty fascinating find and it’s bound to fill the hearts of Dr. Who fans everywhere.
Beware The Mothman
Do you know about the legend of the Mothman? It’s supposedly a black creature with a 10-foot wingspan and terrifying red eyes. The Mothman has been reported flying over areas just before a horrific disaster takes place, which is why so many are fearful of this creature. Google Street View apparently captured Mothman in Mcclintic Wildlife Management Area in West Virginia. If you live near Point Pleasant in West Virginia, be weary of running into this omen of death!
A Group Of Pigeon People
While capturing images of this quiet street in Japan, the Google Street View camera came across this. A group of pigeon people stood on the sidewalk and appeared to glare at the camera as it went past, causing many of us to question what was going on in Japan during this time! It turns out this image was captured near the local Musashino Art University. These students wanted to stage a memorable prank when the cameras rolled through their town, and they certainly succeeded!
Is It A Bird? A Plane? A Rainbow?
Is it a bird? A plane? No, it’s… a rainbow! This image is pretty confusing to look at. At first glance, you might think you’re looking at an airplane flying through to sky, but the longer you look, the more confusing you get. Is it a rainbow shaped like an airplane? This must be a trick of the light that’s caused an airplane to reflect light in a way that resembles a rainbow. It’s a pretty cool image that defies instant explanation but is explainable once you think about it.
Outdoor Lunch In Iceland
Everyone enjoys a spot of tea outside on occasion, but it’s hard to enjoy your meal when you’re freezing your buns off! Iceland is a notoriously cold place, and very few people have the natural tolerance to the cold needed to enjoy a meal outside. However, this person caught by Google Street View cameras came up with an interesting solution to the problem. He dressed extra warm, in an outfit that resembles something you’d see from an explorer in the Antarctic. At least now he gets to enjoy his lunch!
Glitch In The Matrix
Do you know about the Matric theory? Some people theorize that we are all part of a video game some advanced creatures are in control of and that you can occasionally catch little ‘glitches’ in the matrix. This image appears to be one such instance where our computerized world glitched out just long enough for the Google Street View cameras to capture it. This photo was taken in Las Vegas, Nevada, and many claim it was a simple camera glitch, but it’s a very convincing example of a glimpse into the matric which holds us all.
Is It A Dinosaur?
This stunning image captured on The Galapagos Islands brings a lot of questions to mind. This creature initially looks like some kind of prehistoric bird, but it’s actually a recognized species on the island. The Galapagos Islands are well-known for their array of astonishing wildlife, and this picture gives us a nice glimpse into the animal life on the island. However, that bird looks a little offended by the presence of the camera and appears to be flying right at it! The camera must have made it through unscathed in order to bring us this picture, but it must have been a close one.
Be One With Nature
People all over the world enjoy meditating, going for hikes, and finding other ways to connect with the natural world around us. While becoming one with nature can be great for your mental health, most people don’t intend to physically be one with nature. The lady in this picture appears to be morphing into a plant, which is something that normally doesn’t happen in everyday life. It’s probably just a computer glitch, but it looks really creepy.
Skiing Without Snow
Located in the Western Alps is a prime skiing spot called Mont Blanc. While the skiing is great during the winter months, we can’t imagine this guy having much fun trying to ski on the grass. This can’t be very comfortable, and he’s probably not going to cover much distance trying to slide over the grassy surface. But practice makes perfect, so maybe he’s just practicing his form? I guess we’ll never know.
An Escaped Convict?
When a person escapes from jail, it’s a pretty big deal. Search parties are sent out, and lockdowns are put in place to try and get the person back into their cell. Most people who escape prison wouldn’t just stroll casually down the street, but this guy is displaying a crazy amount of confidence. We have to think he wasn’t expecting a Google Street View camera to capture his moment of glory, and it probably led to his swift return to prison.
The Mobile Dentist
The capital of Bangladesh is known for many things, but we’ve never heard of someone running a mobile dentist unit in that city. This Google car caught a couple of people biking through the city with a dentist’s chair rolling along on the back of a little bike trailer. Perhaps he’s just delivering equipment to a local office, but it’s equally possible he’s a dentist who brings his services to the people of the town. While possible, it’s a little strange to think of someone bringing a dentist’s chair into your home to work on your teeth!
The Man With Three Legs
While clicking around on Google Street View, you’re guaranteed to see some strange stuff. These cameras capture random moments in people’s lives without their knowledge, and sometimes you get to see something completely unexpected. This photo captured an image of a man reaching into his car, but that’s not the crazy part. When you look closely, you can see the man appears to have three legs! It’s probably a camera glitch, but it raises an interesting question. Does he have two left feet or right? Does he have to buy special shoes? Curiosity is killing us!
Snorkeling In The Street
It sounds like the punchline for a cheesy joke, but this picture is a clear example of two people snorkeling in the street! Who knows what led up to this moment captured by Google’s cameras, but there must be some interesting backstory to this moment. These two people are fully equipped to explore the water, yet here they are, standing in the middle of the street. Perhaps they saw the Google car and wanted to show off their outfits?
Pyramid On A Pyramid
The pyramids in this picture look like a stunning and unbelievable feat of architecture. How in the world would someone build a pyramid on top of a pyramid? The simple answer is that it can’t be done. What we’re looking at here is some kind of glitch that duplicated the images of the pyramids on top of themselves, but it looks so realistic! Don’t expect to come across something like this in real life because it’s simply not possible, but it’s pretty cool to look at.
Don’t Try This At Home
You’ve probably seen people practicing this classic archery trick on different talent shows, but it usually comes with a warning that clearly says, “Don’t try this at home.” This Google car caught two men in the midst of attempting something that no one should attempt without serious skill and a full medical team on standby. We have to wonder if the car caught the following moment. Hopefully, the arrow pierced the apple or missed the person entirely!
A Very Sad Day
Google cameras capture real moments in people’s lives. Sometimes they’re funny, scary, or awkward moments, but there have also been some very sad days captured on camera. This photo shows a house on fire, and the image is pretty disturbing. It must be a pretty bad fire since you can see the flames reaching toward the sky and the billowing black smoke blowing over the neighborhood. We hope everyone made it out of that house safely!
In Six Places At Once
This is a pretty impressive example of making the camera work for you! The man captured by this Street View camera must have known exactly what he was doing. In this image alone, you can see him standing in three different places at once! But, if you happen to find the original image, then you’ll see him standing in no less than six places. There are some glitches around his legs and arms in some of the spots, but it’s still pretty impressive.
The Horseman Of The Tree Apocolypse
Most people know of the Biblical story about the four horsemen of the apocalypse. But what if there were a fifth horseman for an apocalypse on trees? That’s what this picture appears to capture. We can see a man wearing a horse mask sitting in the middle of this remote location and looking pretty forlorn. The scene around him is one of devastation. All these precious trees have been torn down and the horse man is looking on in sadness. Was this his doing, or is he simply destined to bear witness?
Santa’s Reindeer Captured On Camera
On this lonely road in Norway, the Google car’s camera was lucky enough to capture a sighting of a Norwegian reindeer! This road is actually pretty close to Lapland, which has led to many jokes about this reindeer being one of Santa’s. Perhaps Santa sent him on a scouting mission to find more materials for crafting toys. The reindeer in Norway are majestic, gorgeous creatures, but they’re still wild animals, so don’t try to pet one if you see it on the side of the road.
Russia’s Deep Forest Hole
Russia is a country filled with large expanses of natural habitats, and many of them remain largely untouched by humanity. These dense forests contain tons of wildlife and plants, but apparently, they also hide a mystery. While scrolling around on Google Maps, this person came across an eerie spot in the middle of a forest in Russia. It’s simply titled “deep forest hole,” and there’s zero information on what happened to create this hole. If you’re ever wandering through the woods in Russia, you’d better watch your step!
The Stig
Back in 2009, this image was captured by Google cameras on the side of the A82 in Scotland. The man standing there is the iconic test driver for Top Gear, but there’s no information on why he was standing on the side of the road like this. Was he there filming something for the show? There are a lot of unknowns about this image, but we do know one thing. This man is known as The Stig, and he looks very serious standing there.
Monster Daddy Long Legs
We have to assume this image is caused by a crazy glitch of some kind. But can you imagine if it were real? This imagine of the Seattle Center appears to be covered in daddy longlegs, but the spiders would have to be a monsterous size to cover the top of the building like this. Can you imagine the terror people inside would feel if they knew what was going on right above their heads? Thankfully, it’s very unlikely this image is anything more than a computer glitch because we’re not sure we want to live in an area with spiders the size of houses!
The Mysterious Sea Monster
Captured in an area of San Diego is an image that is both frightening and hilarious. What appears to be a sea monster is more likely a human covered in seaweed, but that raises a ton of questions. Did the person try to camouflage themselves in seaweed? Because, if so, they’re doing a great job! If this wasn’t an attempt at camouflage, then what exactly happened here? Regardless of the reason behind this picture, it’s definitely attention-grabbing. We had to look at it a few times to figure out what was going on.
The End
At first glance, you might think you’re looking at some graffiti on the side of a building, but that’s not the case. This is an aerial shot of a town called Normal in Illinois. This picture shows a massive sign on a building that reads, “The End!” It’s pretty dramatic, and we have to wonder what the intention behind this message is. Are they referencing the end of a particular district in the city? Or is it something more ominous? If you live in Normal, Illinois, and have the answer, make sure to let us know!
Take Cow Privacy Seriously
You know that new trend on social media where people post pictures of their children but blur out their faces or cover them with an emoji? It’s all about protecting their right to privacy, which makes sense when we’re talking about human beings. But Google Street View apparently decided to extend the same courtesy to this cow and blurred out his face after capturing him grazing next to the river. Did the cow’s owner request this? Who decides to blur out faces on Google Street View? So many questions!
Is This A Dog Or A Statue?
Google drivers must see a ton of crazy stuff throughout their careers. We already know they’ve captured Norweigan reindeer, the driver from Top Gear, and a bunch of other random and hilarious things on this list. But what about this adorable puppy? Not many dogs will stand at attention on their back legs to greet a passing car, and it gives him a statue-like appearance. We imagine he’s a very good boy and is simply hoping for a treat.
The Need For Speed
You would think that cars equipped with Google Street View cameras would be very conscientious about their speed, but that’s not always the case. In a hilarious moment of irony, this car apparently captured its speed as it drove through an area of Scotland. The driver was clearly going 37 in a 30mph zone, which is just a bit too fast to be safe. Watch out drivers, you never know what your cameras will catch!
Cat Parkour
Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of owning a cat knows they are masters of parkour, especially when they’re trying to avoid bath time! This hilarious cat saw the car coming and was ready to show off his skills! Or he was just trying to get away from the car, but either way, he showed off some impressive parkour moves. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have the ability to scale a wall like that?
An Innocent Pool Party?
When you first look at this picture, it’s easy to think you’re just glimpsing a casual pool party on someone’s lawn. However, if you look closely enough, you’ll be able to see that something isn’t quite right. Are the hairs on the back of your neck standing at attention yet? The people in this picture aren’t actually people at all- they’re mannequins! Why would someone throw a mannequin pool party? You’ll have to find the owner of this property in Ontario and ask them yourself!
We Gave This One A Hard Double-Take
If you’re just casually scrolling along, then the disturbing part of this image may not stand out to you right away. Give it a good look, and you’ll instantly cringe when you see it! This photo shows a man in Alaska with his hunting rifle while he leans against this blue railing. Now, that’s all perfectly normal, except for the fact that his body is facing forward, and his head is facing backward! Is he some kind of owl-human hybrid? It’s more likely that this is yet another glitch in the system, but it still looks super creepy.
Only Half A Fan?
We’re going to wrap things up with another example of a hilarious glitch. This man was casually strolling down the street while wearing a Ramones t-shirt and, unfortunately, only half his body is showing up in the image. Do you think this means he’s only half a true Ramones fan? We think he’s a true fan, but Google Street View clearly had something against his pants!